KP's Homepage


Hi! I'm a programmer and musician. This is where you can find the latest stuff I've been working on.

I also post WIPs on Twitter, so go check that out if you're interested:


Project SGG

6/26/2022 @ 21:14 CST

Me and Garuda Ramuda made a game for Ms. Paint's Jam on Check it out here!

PC Upgrades!

1/21/2022 @ 13:46 CST

Decided to give my rig some love with new drives and a "new" case. Check out the Cooler Master Cosmos 1000 in all its glory!

CPU: Intel i7 9700k • GPU: EVGA RTX 2070 Super • Memory: 32gb G.Skill DDR4 RAM

MAGFest 2022

1/13/2022 @ 12:24 CST

MAGFest was a blast this year! I got to meet a lot of longtime friends IRL for the first time and despite the pandemic, the weather, etc. the convention went great.

Group photo taken shortly after YTP panel #2

Site redesign!

1/1/2022 @ 01:20 CST

Happy new year! I've decided to redesign my website to better suit the kind of content I make.

Ongoing projects: KP3D

KP3D is a game engine inspired by id Tech 1 (Doom) and Ken Silverman's Build engine. I'll have more detailed info on this soon...

Here's the basic rundown:

  • Written in C++17
  • Features a snazzy homemade map editor
  • Uses a sector-based map system common to many '90s FPS games
  • Supports Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OS X with the help of SDL2

Shoutouts to Dopi for making the logo.

Recent game jam entries

These are small games made in a very short span of time (usually <3 days) for game jams.

For the most part I just consider these games to be prototypes. I'd like to go back and make better versions of them someday.

Project SGG

Submission to Ms. Paint's Jam

Released June 2022

Play (HTML5)* New! *


Submission to Ludum Dare 48

Released April 2021

LD Entry Page* New! *


Submission to Ludum Dare 46

Released April 2020

Play (HTML5)

Welcome Home!

Submission to Ludum Dare 45

Released October 2019

LD Entry Page


Submission to Alakajam #7

Released September 2019

Download (x-platform)

Greatest Boat Race Of All Time 4

Submission to LowRezJam 2019

Released August 2019

Download (Windows)

Shibbal the Pig

Submission to Ludum Dare 44
(ft. UltrasonicAeron)

Released April 2019

LD Entry Page

Grape's Adventure

Submission to the "I Can't Draw" jam

Released April 2019

Download (Windows)

A more detailed list of my game jam entries can be found here.

Recent uploads

Polygonal A* Pathfinding in C++1707/14/24
Quick & Dirty Text Rendering with SDL207/13/24
9 Hour Workday04/01/24
Fixing Emacs on Windows06/24/23
Metablitz Mechanica BGM - Track A06/06/23
Metablitz Mechanica BGM - Track B06/06/23
Noided 2.111/19/22
Moving on from Game Dev09/03/22
Project SGG06/26/22
Project SGG BGM - Cheese-Chan's Theme06/26/22
Project SGG BGM - Neko-Chan's Theme06/26/22
Game Jams + Tools Showcase10/07/21

See also

 TheChaseExp - Pixel artist  GarudaRamuda - 3D artist, game dev  Dopi - Motion gfx/3D artist  lachrymaL - Programmer, 音MAD-er  MMaker - Programmer, 音MAD-er  Grape - Programmer, writer  Seal - Wa!

Check out the recommended sites page as well.