Games I've Made
(in reverse chronological order)
Recent Entries

Project SGG
Submission to "Ms. Paint's Jam"
Released June 2022
Download (Windows) Play (HTML5) Page * New! *A sprawling adventure full of puzzles, peril, and really weird goblins! This was a collaboration with my friend Garuda Ramuda. Up until now I haven't actually used a game engine (or at least an engine I didn't write myself) for a game jam, so this was an interesting change of pace for me. Godot was used.

Submission to Ludum Dare 48
Released April 2021
Download (Windows) Download (Linux)* LD Entry Page * New! *A game in which you must fight to save your PC's files. It takes place in a virtual operating system that has been infected with ransomware! Your goal, as the player, is to get your files back by any means necessary. Made with C++ and SDL2.
* I've been told I messed up the Linux build. You must have SDL_mixer 2.0 installed for it to work.

Submission to Ludum Dare 46
Released April 2020
Play (HTML5) LD Entry PageThis was my first JavaScript game. The rendering is all vanilla JavaScript, with JQuery being used for some of the UI. I've released the graphics boilerplate used to make this on GitHub. It isn't particularly optimized or pretty though, you have been warned. The gameplay was loosely modeled after The Sims.

Welcome Home
Submission to Ludum Dare 45
Released October 2019
Download (Windows)I'm not proud of this one. I like the concept as well as how the visuals and audio turned out, but the gameplay I had in mind was a little more ambitious. Made with C and SDL2.

Submission to Alakajam #7 (ft. TheChaseExp)
Released September 2019
DownloadAnother collaborative entry. It's a platformer in which you play as a rat, nothing special. S/o to my friend TheChaseExp for making the rat movement/tail whip animations. Java was used again since the developer who worked on Shibbal was gonna participate, he had to leave early on though.

Da Greatest Boat Race Of All Time 4
Submission to LowRezJam 2019
Released August 2019
Download (Windows)Basically a shitpost. I entered LRJ two days before the competition ended and had to smash something together. Made with C and SDL2.

Shibbal the Pig
Submission to Ludum Dare 44 (ft. UltrasonicAeron)
Released April 2019
DownloadA collaborative entry made with AeronGreva, a friend of mine and aspiring game developer. He did some of the programming and level design. This was his first time making a game and I'd say it came out pretty good for being made in 3 days! Java was used.

Grape's Adventure
Submission to "I Can't Draw but Want to Make a Game"
Released April 2019
Download (Windows)It's about a grape who is trying to save the species after his vineyard was destroyed. It's somewhat short but I'm happy with how it came out. The (rather crude) art and music took a lot of inspiration from Yoshi's Island for the SNES. Made with C++ using a C version of the LDB library linked above.
Lost Games
These are older games I've made and no longer have the files for. I'm not particularly happy with them either looking back.

Submission to Ludum Dare 31
Released December 2014, before "Enter the Gungeon" :^)
LD Entry PageIn the future I want to make a video or article of some sort breaking down each of these games and what I could have done to improve them, what I could have done to better utilize my time during each jam, etc.
Future Games?
I'm not looking to enter any more game jams at the moment. I have a couple projects in the works like KP3D and Grape's Adventure+, but there isn't really a long-term goal or vision behind them. I just do this stuff to relieve stress.
Last updated April 1st, 2023 at 05:09 PM CST